Saturday, 7 May 2016

Style/Look frame

I selected the art style of Kentucky Route Zero and Oxenfree as reference to base the design of my environments. It worked out great and I found it efficient to filter noise to add to the style and blur some background aspects to present depth.
This section of the level, shows Maha having to platform from a roof onto a tower and then platform amongst cars in a vertical car park that are revolving up and down to make it challenging.

Some mechanics I have been interested but unsure whether they are worth investing in include:

Using her hood as a mechanic which can attract and deter attention from enemies at the player's will, each with its own benefit and drawbacks.
To enforce the feel of the main character being blind I imagined the environment being blurry or sketchy when her hood is up to make her incognito from the public/enemies. 
But when she puts it down the environment is clearer to maneuver and orientate herself in the space. 

Certain interactive elements in the environment that the player can use to evade pursuers as Maha's disability makes it difficult for combat.
[eg. hiding inside a car, or scaling a wall above pursuing enemies, which all have a limit to how long she can hold certain blending spots perhaps?]

Monitors and electronics that Maha can call Ipa to short circuit to gain attention/distract enemies or lead them to vulnerable spots for irrigation.

Using Maha's senses to deter water sources in the direction of her foes, blasting them with a surge of water, electrocuting them and their equipment.

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