Sunday 8 May 2016

Level Map

The start of this level shows a cut scene in which the context of the conflict between the two nations as well as the events leading up to the capture of Maha, Nir and the other body guards. The cut scene ends withMaha being set free as she witnesses guards taking away her companions. Conflicted to get help from the Geni clans at the risk of her companions lives as she would have to journey several days, she arrives at the walls that separate the Agri from the "wilds" of the Geni lands.
A bystander who witnesses the crash communicates to Maha via monitors at a nearby electronics store. Ipa reveals herself and convinces Maha to go save her companions with the guidance and advanced technical knowledge of Ipa.
Ipa informs her that she needs to get to the top of a nearby Agri tower to get an optimal scan for the location of her bodyguards. 

Walking left triggers Ipa briefing Maha about her objective of saving her bodyguards.
Wall opens allowing passage to go right.
Jump on to tower, interact with button to activate revolving cars.
Platform over revolving cars.
Landing on other side triggers Ipa over radio explaining the irrigation mechanic to defeat enemy behind door.
Door opens after enemy is knocked out.
Retrieve card key.
Platform upwards. Encounter surveillance drone.
Defeat Drone.
Approach room with 2nd key.
Use irrigation mechanic to defeat enemy.
Retrieve 2nd card key triggering the lowering of a bridge to elevator.
Cross bridge to take elevator down to the 3rd key.
Retrieve 3rd Key triggering combustion of building.
Maha runs to the right away from ensuing flames.
Opportunities to slow down flames through irrigation are planted through the escape route.
Escape route leads to outdoors in front of Agri Tower.
The three keys allow the entrance to open to boss battle.
Hatch moves between irrigation spots while triggering flames to be shot downward from the A, B, C boxes.
Maha moves between irrigation spots to attack Hatch while dodging the flames from the A, B, C boxes.
After depleting Hatch’s health he retreats by teleporting from the scene.
Maha triggers a water sport elevating her to his platform which leads to the elevator to the roof of the Agri tower.

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