Monday 27 June 2016

Level Design Progress

I replaced as much of the black as possible with some form of tiling. I have found the variation of the designs to be most effective. I plan to further populate the environments with smaller design assets likes chambers, computers and factory like machines.

Tuesday 21 June 2016

Narrative Element

I felt the end goal of reaching the roof felt underwhelming, so I decided to add a narrative element tying in my story from Sinthesis. I decided to have Ipa lead Maha to Cypress who will be in a tank at the end of the level. Ipa will free Cypress who will aid Maha in her quest to save her bodyguards from the precinct they will be captive in. To further develop the world I plan to have the stage littered with narrative elements like other tanks and tribal assets.
If I have time I would like to detail this in a cut scene at the start and end of the level to make the context explicit.

Monday 13 June 2016

Mechanics Redux

After collaborating with our programmer Regan, we reduced my previous list of features to the features we felt were necessary and achievable within the timeframe.
I was able to understand that I had been trying to cram possibly too many features into this project which was to be almost an introductory level of which only the most elementary features would be necessary. I chose to eliminate enemies and restrict the obstacles to elements in the environment. The remaining features I chose to retain are the spotlight that triggers something which I will have yet to determine. The set piece that introduces a certain urgency. The cars at the start that will accommodate the moving platforms element. And the flames at the end that will require timing to evade and progress the level.