Monday 28 March 2016

Monday 14 March 2016


testing out the motion for the warrior statue which is working great. the totems look to be a bit more difficult as i struggle animating inorganic assets. i played around with totem heads which i plan to stack on top of each other, or possibly be link by electrical waves of some sort.

Sunday 13 March 2016

Statue concept

this is my attempt to see the animatability of the statue concept, so far it is looking doable which is great co s i also intend to simplify the design to make animation easier.


i am considering designing an electricity tower based on tribal totems which i think gives culture to the environment in a practical way. the circle totem i thought could work as a handle to a door in the way the centres of doors rotate when activated in mass effect. however upon further reflection it could also be the basis of a design for a type of drone of sorts that could emit light or something else.
another idea was to have a railway in the distance the would orbit a tribal mask.
the next concept is of a carcass of perhaps a failed experiment based on the tribal warrior equipment. the cables coming out of the carcass would wriggle and the limbs and mask could twitch.
another idea was to have tribal warrior statues that would raise from hiding behind their shield. perhaps having some patrol properties, like a sneaking mechanic required??
then i considered futuristic industrial elements and how i could link them to tribal cultures and their fascination with animals. so i made a fork lift rhino [elephant would be a lot more appropriate in hindsight.

if neither of these ideas pan out i think some animated l.e.d projections like in typical futuristic settings but with african patterns and iconography.

Monday 7 March 2016