Sunday 28 February 2016

presentation & feedback

how to show she is blind
-reference toph, feel earth
-reference skyrim flower, louder when they get closer to collectible
[play with sound?]

Friday 26 February 2016

game ideas

my initial idea was to continue in the universe i created for the Synthesis game concept. except have the player play from the view of either a member of synthesis or another experiment or bi product of hybrid matter experimentation. I was thinking of having the protagonist be a volunteer for a program that went south deforming or changing him in some way. The game would take place after his escape from captivity and his journey home. I was thinking of maybe having the micro narrative in the background describe the character and his intentions for doing the program and if the play looks hard enough it may have them sympathize with the sacrifice he was making and who he was doing it for [his daughter]. i was thinking of having the plot branch near the end where in one scenario if the player picks up on the background hints they find where his daughter is hiding however she does not recognize him and runs away. in the other ending he would find her empty room and vow to pursue her kidnappers.
The draw back to this concept is that it may require heavy coding for attributes gameplay wise to reflect the narrative which i don't feel accomplishable within the parameters of the mock up we were shown. i wouldn't want to do a project that would stray too far from the original prototype we were shown. attributes i'd like to add would be a combat system with reasonable depth which i think would hinder my concentration from the focus of the assessment which is concerned with the design and completion of assets.

the second idea was based on a concept i had for a project last year where a young version of a female grim reaper would have to take the soul of someone she would find very difficult. initially she would have to defeat a boss of some sort like a posessed human that would  pose a difficult combatant to beat. however i much preferred the ending climaxing to a difficult or meaningful decision as it has a longer lasting taste to that if it were a somewhat generic boss battle. I considered having her have to either take the sould of an old woman, but on her journey through this old womans home she finds out she is a very generous and kind human which makes it difficult to end her. the other possible idea was that she would have to travel through a hospital giving the player the idea they are going to take the life of a sick patient however the grim reaper finds out she has to take the soul of an infant with the distressed parents in the room.
This idea is possible within the parameters of the prototype and compliments the already developed elements however i am not confident in my ability to stay motivated and interested in drawing and developing assets that i'm afraid i may think are mundane later into the 16 weeks.

I developed a character i would love to develop and design, and i made a world and story accordingly. In the distant future, a developed futuristic society is feuding with their neighboring native culture. There is a truce that has been in effect for several centuries however water is quickly becoming scarce and the natives are somehow affected less than the developed city. a member of the native tribe who is endowed with the ability to summon water is kept as a treasure in the depths of the wilderness of the native settlement, generously hydrating the natives, travelling tribe to tribe. upon hearing the rumors of a water source, the developed city start propaganda creating the idea that the drought is a ploy by the natives who are planning to over throw the developed city. after attaining the support of their people, the leaders break the truce and begin violently crusading through the native land in search for the water source. they eventually find the endowed treasure amongst her guards who are all taken captive. as they are being transported in a hover craft on their way to being interrogated, one of the treasures body guards thrusts her from the plane. She crashes into the developed city, surviving in a bubble she generates. in an alien world she must find her way to her guards and free them before they are executed and return to the wilderness.
I imagine this idea to be as complex to develop as the plot is, which kind of deters me from pursuing this idea. although i am quite interested in this plot and especially character wise. i am not sure how this would work in terms of gameplay.

As the previous ideas i had were quite complex, i thought of the success of my saving the day pitch from last year. it was short sweet and simple. so i thought of possibly pursuing this narrative where tubbs sees his cat in danger from the wild water hose. he would have to claim parts of his super hero outfit from different parts of the house and the obstacles and puzzles could be things younger kids would be afraid of.
similar to the grim reaper concept i question the longevity of my interest for this idea.

 I fear i may go to a game with variations of gun and katanas, focused on aesthetics based on fluoro techno japan with lots of urban themes and martial arts, sprinkled with supernatural elements.

Monday 22 February 2016

Horror background

 the first thumbnail i wanted to try an extreme perspective to give a sense of intimidation and have the audience feel small and weak. having it show mostly the under part of the structure in the sky adds mystery and the obscure things hanging from the chains binding it are also supposed to add mystery and fear of the unknown. the chains coming toward the viewer is also to make the structure feel aggressive.
 this idea came from courage the cowardly dog as i found the emptiness to be scary in a way. the minimalism of this composition would be challenging in a way to pull off effectively for me so it interests me to pursue this idea. i think there is space to do some haunting things with the presentation of the baby carriage.
 going along the lines of simple composition i attempted a hallway scene. the perspective and claustrophobic feeling is quite effective but i don't know if i will be able to execute.
 this concept was inspired by supernatural horror which i tried to communicate with the witch doctor like tee pee structures, the constructs in the building are supposed to be vague yet menacing.
several perspective issues but i think that the emptiness and mystery is communicated strong enough.
i had a difficult time communicating the distance between the carriage and the building, i tried to solve this by desaturating the building and having the carriage appear more sharper. the plants in the foreground add depth but are too close to the carriage to be as effective as they could. i think the empty space in the sky is effective of communicating the idea of emptiness and unknown. i think building structure may appear to symmetrical as the towers are too balanced and making them uneven would add appeal as well as give a sense of unease.

feb22 ex.
